In SSC CGL exam preparation, we cannot ignore the importance of good speed along with comprehensive knowledge candidates need to clear the test. Even teachers and instructors in SSC CGL Preparation Classes emphasize on effective time management for a successful attempt in SSC CGL Exam. Here, we will discuss some certain tips to manage your time in all competitive exams.
Clear your basic concepts
When you are clear about the basic concepts, you will get great support for solving complex problems. Do not miss any session if you have joined a coaching class.
Solve crosswords and puzzles
There are various kinds of puzzles and crosswords available on the internet. Make a habit to solve a few puzzles on the daily basis to boost your reasoning and quantitative section related abilities. This habit will help you to increase your speed in solving questions in the paper.
Mock test
SSC CGL Preparation Classes provide support to candidates with their mock tests and sufficient guidance. You should try a little more and search online for more mock tests to evaluate your preparation in a better way. It will help you to become so acquainted with the exam and syllabus that you will be solving the questions in a faster way in the main exam.
Watch your time limit
You must keep a stopwatch with you while attempting and solving questions. Be observant as the time you spend on every segment allow you to know where you require improvement. You must assess your progress each week.
Tricks and shortcuts as your tool
Most of the coaching classes teach effective tricks and shortcuts to their students to help them simplify the paper solving procedure.
Use the shortcuts and tricks taught in your coaching classes to simplify the paper solving process. Keep in mind that you should not get confused due to several shortcuts and tricks. You can evade this condition by using each trick to multiple questions.
Time division for each segment
• General awareness - 10-15 minutes
• General intelligence and reasoning - 20 minutes
• English Language - 12-14 minutes
• Quantitative Aptitude - 25 minutes
Also, candidates can consult subject instructor from the coaching center on time management in the exam.
Vidya Guru is known as one of the best coaching centers in Delhi offering online coaching classes for SSC CGL. The online classes provide only the relevant tricks and study materials to help the student prepare concisely. The online SSC coaching by Vidya Guru offers many advantages to students such as self-paced learning, affordable fee, quick revision, online test series, learning on the go, shortcuts and tricks and expert faculty members for the support.