SSC CGL or the Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level is a national level competitive exam that ensures a government job in various departments and ministries of the Government of India. Thus, it is one of the most prestigious and tough exams. Candidates often ask what it needs to get success in SSC CGL; the simple answer is: PREPARATION. The SSC preparation must be systematic and must complete in a timely manner. There are aspirants, who aim for this exam, work really hard yet fail to score well at the exam. What possibly could be the reason behind these failures? Here in this article, we are sharing a few points that can lead to failure in SSC CGL exam.
a) Making use of study material from various sources – Students often make use of every suggested book, app and website for preparing for their competitive exams. It has been observed that candidates study multiple books of GK (at times even more than 10) and almost similar number of apps on various subjects like: History, Politics, Geography, English, etc. Apart from this, they even refer the never-ending suggestions for question banks from almost all available publications, PDFs, printouts and hand-written notes of ex-aspirants. It is important to understand that quality matters more than quantity, also you cannot memorize everything, so its better that you opt for one reliable source and enrol for their SSC CGL online course. These courses are designed to keep your knowledge and focus intact.
b) Keeping away from online Mock tests or Practice tests – As the actual exam will be conducted online, it is important that the candidate takes up mock tests or practice tests online. Attempting these online tests will give them a proper idea of the actual exam. The speed and accuracy are important for an online exam, hence practicing them is important. For this, a candidate should enrol for the SSC CGL online classes, these classes not only provide video lectures on various simple to complex concepts but also provide candidates with regular mock tests for them to check on their preparation levels.
c) Being casual with the time-limits – Time is a precious resource and he who respects time, taste success in every field. However, in some cases, it is found that candidates enter the examination hall without wearing a watch. Thus, they fail in allocating time for the framed sections and at times they are found struggling with a particular section without realizing that a lot of time has been wasted. You can expect good scores only when you have attempted maximum questions with maximum correct answers.
d) Investing time and energy on Social Media – Candidates often delude themselves thinking that investing time on social media is important for their competitive exam, however, this just kills time. For those who really want to reap the benefits of the Internet must take up online courses from a reputed source, read newspaper online and follow other qualitative forums. Other than these, rest are just time-wasting activities.
e) Introducing new concepts at the eleventh hour – A lot of candidates are habitual of reading new things all the time, they do this even a few hours before the exam. It is important that in last few days you try to revise what all you have studied and attempt online mock tests.
f) Excessive use of shortcuts – Tips and tricks are important for solving a few questions, as they save a lot of time and get you to the correct answer without much efforts. However, for this to achieve in a right manner, right guidance is important. Tips and tricks from an experienced source are what can get you to a sure shot success. Otherwise, it can lead to a big chaos and confusion in the exam.
g) Giving more weightage to a specific subject – We tend to incline towards the subject we are good at and spend more time practicing and revising the same subject. This approach can lead to destruction, as all the subjects are important when preparing for a national level competition.
h) Stressing over the recruitment factor – For an aspirant what is important is preparation and appearing for an exam, however, many times it is observed that people pay a lot of attention to other factors (which are not in their control) like – number of vacancies, pay scale, examination centres, cut-offs, etc. These things are important but these are distractions. Hence, make sure you keep your focus on preparation.
i) Seeing success at last year’s cut-offs – Every year we see different cut-off for SSC CGL exam, so don’t judge your preparation on previous cut-offs.