We all know that SSC does not change its pattern and repeat questions in specific examinations. It's better to understand the basics rather than learning shortcut methods and short tricks. Some candidates rely on learning through only SSC CGL videos. Understanding the basic concept will help you to solve any question that comes up with some variations.
Using too many learning sources
Students need to be very careful about the books and other study materials they use for clearing the exam. If you are preparing for SSC exams, avoid referring various books and online study materials. It’s better to join a coaching center or online SSC coaching classes and stick to their resources.
Not knowing the syllabus and exam pattern
Many candidates just start their preparation by getting enrolled in a coaching center and depend on the subjects covered by the center. During the mock test, they realize that only preparation is not sufficient and they should focus on exam patterns as well. You must start preparing for the SSC exams by first going through the syllabus and understanding the exam pattern from previous years.
Not planning in advance
Proper advance planning plays the crucial role in SSC exam preparation. It helps you to avoid wasting your time and focus on efficient groundwork. Students have limited days for getting ready for tier 1 exam. So they need to make a right strategy for study which covers all the important subjects. You can take the help of SSC CGL videos for the regular practice of questions and quizzes.
Preparing for various exams altogether
Many candidates prepare for different exams at the same time without understanding that each exam includes a specific way to evaluate the candidates. Students, please understand that some examinations are concept oriented, some are analytical and some exams are practice-oriented. Also, these tests take place in several tiers/phases and you have to focus on next tier as well as for the phases later too. Thus, you need to select the exam preferences carefully to focus in a better way.
Ignoring notes
It’s very important to make notes and revise them regularly especially topics such as general studies. You must make small notes while preparing from SSC CGL videos and even while reading newspapers so that you can simply review them before the exam.
Vidyaguru is a Delhi based coaching institute that also provides Online SSC coaching classes for aspirants. The institute offers correct study materials and guidance to help students pass SSC CGL exams successfully with good scores.
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